Criminals can steal your card information in many ways—such as data breaches, skimming devices at the point of purchase or ATMs. You may never know your credit or debit card information was stolen until you see unauthorized transactions on your monthly statements.

Fortunately, many credit card companies limit your liability for these charges—but it’s still a hassle to deal with removing the charges from your account.

Protect your cards:

  • Use a chip card for the highest level of data encryption
  • Never enter your card number into a website that you didn't navigate to yourself
  • Check your monthly statements carefully for purchases you didn't make yourself
  • Contact your credit card company and/or bank if you see a suspicious transaction on your statement

To help prevent ATM fraud, CNB St. Louis Bank has installed anti-skimming devices that require cards to be inserted long side first. (Skimming devices only work if cards are inserted short side first.)

To learn more about our new ATMs and their features click HERE! 

How we can protect you.

One of the best ways to help avoid being a fraud victim is to stay informed and bank with people who know you. At CNB St. Louis Bank, many of our staff members have been with us for years and know customers by name. While it’s nice to be neighborly, these close relationships have another purpose that’s just as important.

Because we know you, we’re better able to identify out-of-the-ordinary transactions. When we see something unusual, we call the customer. When a customer calls us—to add a travel notice to an account, for example—we call back to ensure the notice is legitimate.

In short, good service is about more than being good neighbors. It’s powerful fraud protection and just one more way we’re Banking. For You.

If your identity has been stolen:

Visit a Federal Trade Commission website, to report the incident and create a recovery plan. 

Discover More on How to Protect  Your Finances:

Card Fraud IconCard Fraud
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We’re here to help!

If you have any questions or concerns about fraud protection, do not hesitate to give us a call at
(314) 645-0666 to speak with a member of our local CNB St. Louis Bank team.