CNB St. Louis Bank is proud to announce the appointment of Dr. Asia Muhammad, ND to their Professional Community Board. The Professional Board is comprised of young business leaders in the St. Louis area, with a mission to promote the development of new relationships and bring value to its members and community.
“We are excited to expand our Professional Board with Asia,” Colby Schmid, Regional President at CNB commented. “Her diverse expertise, knowledge, and passion to educate wellness adds an invaluable perspective to our board. We look forward to the relationships, awareness, and personal and professional growth she will add to the group.”
Dr. Muhammad is a Naturopathic Doctor and owner of Lavender Roots Health and Wellness, LLC, where she uses a wholistic approach to give individualized guidance to patients, helping improve their lives and even achieve optimal health. By understanding the necessary balance between conventional and nonconventional medicine, she is able to recommend strategies including nutrition, environment, exercise, supplementation, botanicals, and mind-body therapies. Her special interests are gastroenterology, mind-body medicine, and stress management.
The Professional Board is the newest of CNB St. Louis Bank’s community boards, established in 2021, and is comprised of St. Louis area business leaders who are active in the community and focused on growth. The group’s members are ambassadors for the bank and meet regularly to foster lasting relationships between members. Together, they create opportunities, widen business and social circles, encourage growth, and learn about factors impacting one another’s businesses and industries.
After receiving her bachelor’s degree in Chemistry and Biology from Middle Tennessee State University in 2010, Dr. Muhammad earned her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine from Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2014 and then continued her education by completing a three-year independent residency at Arizona Digestive Health. Asia enjoys engaging in the concept of healing with local communities and professional colleagues through public speaking, and in her free time loves connecting with her community to provide naturopathic education.